10 Tips for Battling the Post Season Blues

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It’s a common thing at the end of any sports season: the post season blues.  Even, and maybe even especially, among coaches.

We get to the end of the season and we arrive at, as one colleague describes it, “the end of season jitters in their clubs…the nasty rumors about quitting or switching gyms.”

It’s rough. How do you, as a coach, handle it?

  1. Expect them.  Yes, by simply expecting that you might feel a little bleh at season’s end, at least you won’t be sucker punched when it happens. 
  2. Accept them.  If you put your whole self into you job, the highs are high, but then the lows are low.  Don’t be hard on yourself that you shouldn’t feel a little down if you in fact do.  They are just feelings and they will pass.  I promise.
  3. Keep perspective.  Our…

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